• Bram-Cor Pharmaceutical Processing systems - Mobile mixers and dissolutor vessels

Water for Injection Systems and Compendial Waters


Pharmaceutical grade waters that meet the pharmacopoeias requirements are called compendial waters. BRAM-COR
 pharmaceutical water treatment systems are designed to produce compendial  

  •     PW - Purified Water
  •     WFI - Water For Injection
  •     PS - Pure Steam

The key features of our projects, which cover every water processing step, from supply water to the machine to the end-product, entail: diversified options for water treatment, critical parameter monitoring, conformity with quality norms and requirements, consumptions, microbiological inspections, functioning, maintenance, production cycle’s costs…

The choice of suitable materials for pharmaceutical use is weighted with particular emphasis. The product is exclusively in contact with certified stainless AISI 316L steel, with a standard roughness ≤ 0.4 µm. A perfect grip is ensured by EPDM/PTFE gaskets. Advanced Technology analytical processes are applied in the continuous quality checks: the automation used in BRAM-COR systems is professionally developed and compliant with GAMP.

See these related websites, too: waterforinjection.comvapor-compression-distiller.commultiple-effect-water-distiller.compharmaceutical-reverse-osmosis-systems.compure-steam-generator.com




CPSG Pure Steam Generator

Clean Steam / Pure Steam. BRAM-COR Pure Steam Generators Mod. CPSG produce dry, saturated steam, suitable for sterilization of pharmaceutical production plants, for direct contact with API, ...
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CROS Reverse Osmosis System

BRAM-COR CROS Sanitary Reverse Osmosis Systems are designed to produce compendial Purified Water (PW) and Water for Injection (WFI), too, through several water treatment steps.
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DPSG Single Effect Distiller

The BRAM-COR Single Effect Distiller Mod. DPSG is both a Still and a Pure Steam Generator. This equipment produces dry, saturated steam to be used as sterilizing agent.
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GENO Ozone Generator

BRAM-COR full-stainless steel OZONE GENERATORS Mod. GENO are conceived for pharmaceutical application, i.e. for water disinfection and loop sanitization.
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KOMB WFI + PS Generator

KOMB is a unique equipment for the simultaneous production of WFI and PS, combining the double functions of a ME Distiller / PS Generator
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LOOP Distribution System

BRAM-COR integrates its equipment with state-of-the-art distribution loops. BRAM-COR Loop design is the result of a careful evaluation of Points of Use delivery criteria.
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PRTW Water Pretreatment System

BRAM-COR Water Pre-Treatment Systems Mod. PRTW are customized upon a careful evaluation of feed water quality using local water analysis.
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SCADA Control System

From equipment control to production line supervision, BRAM-COR SCADA systems provide full management control throughout the plant lifecycle.
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BRAM-COR Double Tube Sheet Heat Exchangers DTS are designed to maximize the efficency, while minimizing resistance to fluid flow through the exchanger thus increasing the performance.
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SMPT Multiple Effect Distiller

BRAM-COR Multiple Effect Stills Mod. SMPT are designed and manufactured according to cGMP to produce compendial Water for Injection.
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STDA Accessories & Components

Special sanitary components in AISI 316L fit pharmaceutical and industrial lines, such as 316L SS housings for water and air filters
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STMC Vapor Compression Distiller

Vapor Compression Distiller produces compendial distilled water for pharmaceutical applications (WFI), such as LVP, SVP,
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STOC Storage Tank

Bram-Cor range of products includes a complete range of pharmaceutical holding tanks for storing compendial.
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BRAM-COR produces the Uvitron line, a wide range of UV Reactors and Control Units offering advanced technical features.
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